2003: S. Judiciary Comm vote on S1417 + S 1416, Chile and Singapore Free Trade agreements

Voted against unlimited immigration provisions in the Chile and Singapore trade agreements in committee in 2003
Sen. ZZlastnameZZ voted to protect American workers by voting as part of the Senate Judiciary Committee against S. 1417, the Singapore Free Trade Agreement, and S. 1416, the Chile Free Trade Agreement. Both trade agreements contain immigration provisions of that provide for unlimited tech and professional work visas, indefinite extensions and absolutely zero protections to give American workers first crack at the jobs. Futhermore, as outlined in the trade agreements, it would be against international law for Congress to ever try to change those rules. The trade agreements passed the Senate Judiciary Committee by a vote of 11-4.

Action Type: 
Thursday, July 17, 2003 (All day)