
The House approved long-term funding today for the Department of Homeland Security that would allow the Obama administration to move forward with its unconstitutional executive amnesties should the courts reverse its temporary injunction. Today's vote in the House was the final step in securing funding for the department through the end of September.

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Here are the Members of Congress who voted to fund Pres. Obama's amnesties:

All Democratic Senators*

All Democratic Representatives**

22 Senate Republicans
AK Lisa Murkowski
AZ John McCain
AZ Jeff Flake
CO Cory Gardner
IL Mark Kirk
IN Daniel Coats
KY Mitch McConnell
ME Susan Collins
MS Thad Cochran
NH Kelly Ayotte
NV Dean Heller
NC Thom Tillis
SC Lindsey Graham
SD Mike Rounds
SD John Thune
TN Lamar Alexander
TN Bob Corker
TX John Cornyn
UT Orrin Hatch
WI Ron Johnson
WY Michael Enzi
WY John Barrasso

75 House Republicans
AZ Martha McSally
CA Ken Calvert
CA Jeff Denham
CA Steve Knight
CA Kevin McCarthy
CA Devin Nunes
CA Edward Royce
CA David Valadao
CA Mimi Walters
CO Mike Coffman
FL Vern Buchanan
FL Carlos Curbelo
FL Mario Diaz-Balart
FL David Jolly
FL Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
ID Michael Simpson
IL Mike Bost
IL Rodney Davis
IL Bob Dold
IL Adam Kinzinger
IL Aaron Schock
IL John Shimkus
IN Susan Brooks
IN Todd Young
KY Harold Rogers
LA Steve Scalise
ME Bruce Poliquin
MI Dan Benishek
MI Mike Bishop
MI Candice Miller
MI John Moolenaar
MI Dave Trott
MI Fred Upton
MN Tom Emmer
MN John Kline
MN Erik Paulsen
NC Renee Ellmers
NC Patrick McHenry
NC Robert Pittenger
NH Frank Guinta
NJ Rodney Frelinghuysen
NJ Leonard Lance
NJ Frank LoBiondo
NJ Tom MacArthur
NJ Christopher Smith
NV Cresent Hardy
NV Joseph Heck
NY Chris Collins
NY Christopher Gibson
NY Richard Hanna
NY John Katko
NY Peter King
NY Elise Stefanik
OH John Boehner
OH Steve Stivers
OH Patrick Tiberi
OH Michael Turner
OK Tom Cole
OR Greg Walden
PA Ryan Costello
PA Charles Dent
PA Michael Fitzpatrick
PA Patrick Meehan
PA Tim Murphy
PA Joseph Pitts
PA Glenn Thompson
SD Kristi Noem
TX John Carter
TX Kay Granger
TX Will Hurd
TX Michael McCaul
VA Barbara Comstock
WA Cathy McMorris Rodgers
WA David Reichert
WI Paul Ryan

*Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) did not vote

**Reps. Karen Bass (D-Calif.), John Garamendi (D-Calif.), Jackie Speier (D-Calif.), Bobby Rush (D-Ill.), Gregory Meeks (D-N.Y.), and Ruben Hinojosa (D-Texas) did not vote.