NAFBPO Calls for Passage of Davis Oliver Act in the Midst of House Debate on Weaker Sanctuary Cities Bill


The National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers (NAFBPO) issued a statement today on how sanctuary cities undermine the rule of law and the need for passage of H.R.1148, The Davis Oliver Act, which would "provide the tools that American Law Enforcement Officers need to reclaim and secure our nation's streets and communities." The bill would end the mass release of criminal aliens, allow local law enforcement to assist in the enforcement of federal laws, and help ensure the just, consistent and uniform application of federal law.

Here's NAFBPO's statement:

Today the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers is taking the opportunity to provide the press, the American people and the United States Congress our view concerning current legislation circulating in the United States House of Representatives based on our hundreds of years of on the job collective experience as retired United States Immigration Law Enforcement Officers. Being retired we are not constrained in giving our frank assessment of issues germane to Immigration Law Enforcement.

In a word Sanctuary Cities is a cancer eating voraciously away at the rule of law in hundreds of jurisdictions throughout the United States. The concept itself is contrary to existing law and should not have been allowed to take hold in the first place. That there is a sudden rush to do something is not surprising. It is unfortunate that many United States Citizens have died unnecessarily because of sanctuary city policies. However, that result was predictable.

As Immigration Law Enforcement Officers working throughout the United States and in foreign countries we relied on statutory law as tools in protecting America from a broad assortment of undesirable threats from aliens and citizens that intentionally sought to break our Immigration Laws. In response to what we perceive as a current rush to do something we must counsel that the zeal to address the situation may in fact not provide America's Law Enforcement Community with the tools that they actually need to sufficiently address the broad scope of pressing problems associated with sanctuary cities. Curing this cancer will require specialized treatment.

Our senior membership and board of directors have read and highly recommend to all Americans HR-1148, The Davis Oliver Act, which has already passed out of the House Judiciary Committee before any other current or future legislation is brought to the floor of the House of Representatives. The Davis Oliver Act provides the tools that American Law Enforcement Officers need to reclaim and secure our nation's streets and communities. Davis Oliver is the best available Rx for this disease.

Along with NumbersUSA, the legislation is endorsed by Chris Crane (National ICE Council President), Ken Palinkas (National Citizenship and Immigration Services Council President), the National Sheriffs' Association, Eagle Forum, the Federation For American Immigration Reform (FAIR), and Heritage Action.

The bill is also endorsed by 10 sheriffs: Sheriff Paul Babeu (Pinal County, AZ), Sheriff Bruce W. Hartman (Gilpin County, CO), Sheriff Tom Hodgson (Bristol County, MA), Sheriff Chuck Jenkins (Frederick County, MD), Sheriff Terry Johnson (Alamance County, NC), Sheriff Gabriel Joiner (Cheyenne County, CO), Sheriff Scott Jones (Sacramento County, CA), Sheriff Sam Page (Rockingham County, NC), Sheriff Ted Schendel (Benzie County, MI), Sheriff Justin Smith (Larimer County, CO).

The proposal is named after Detective Michael Davis and Deputy Danny Oliver, two local law enforcement officers who were murdered by an illegal alien with an extensive criminal history.

sanctuary cities