Refugees: H.R. 4731 (2016)

Correct Action Text: 
H.R. 4731, the Refugee Program Integrity Restoration Act, would: 1) set refugee cap at 60,000, 2) terminate refugee status for those that return to their countries of origin (absent a change in conditions), 3) remove DHS's ability to waive various grounds of inadmissibility for refugee admissions, 4) allow recurrent security vetting of refugees prior to LPR status adjustment, 5) bump back LPR status for refugees from 1 to 3 years, 6) adjust DHS's authority during LPR adjustment, 7) prohibit resettlement in states/localities that refuse resettlement, 8) adjust screening process to reduce fraud, and 9) clarify that displacement or generalized conflicts alone do not qualify an individual for refugee status under the law.
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