Big Tech Fears Trump's 'America First' Visa Reforms


Breitbart -- John Binder

Director of Governmental Affairs for NumbersUSA Rosemary Jenks told Breitbart Texas that Trump’s executive order draft is feared by multinationals for the specific reason that it throws a wrench in their current model where tech departments are handed over to consulting firms who then find cheap, foreign workers to fill job positions.

“These would be hurt the worst and fastest by what the executive order is proposing. Their whole business model goes out the window,” Jenks said in an interview.

Jenks warned that even if Trump does eventually sign the drafted order on the issue, it would not be the end-all solution to ending abuse within the H-1B visa system where older workers and STEM graduates are discriminated against.

“The executive order will not address all the problems with H-1B,” Jenks said. “It would be unfortunate if the only thing we did was fix some of the problems through executive orders.”

Read the full story at Breitbart.

H-1B visas
Rosemary Jenks