Hundreds of Sheriffs Tell Congress to Shore Up Immigration Enforcement


380 Sheriffs from 40 states sent a letter to all Members of Congress calling for action to secure the border and enforce immigration laws. The letter, spearheaded by Bristol County, Massachusetts Sheriff Thomas Hodgson and backed by the National Sheriffs Association, noted that “(b)ecause Congress has failed to enact the necessary reforms, our citizens and legal residents face even greater dangers, our national security is more vulnerable, and our enforcement efforts have been seriously compromised.”

The letter said, “Congress must act to pass legislation to secure our borders through enforcing immigration laws, tightening border security, support the replacement and upgrades to current barriers and fencing and construction of barriers along the U.S. and Mexico international boundary as requested by those areas where it is needed, suspending and/or monitoring the issuance of visas to any place where adequate vetting cannot occur, end criminal cooperation and shelter in cities, counties, and states, and have zero tolerance and increased repercussions for criminal aliens. I stand firm with my fellow Sheriffs throughout our nation to have our borders secured first, in full cooperation and support of our promise and mission to uphold and enforce our nation’s laws, and we expect nothing less from Congress.”

Sheriff Hodgson’s related statement said, “We’re calling on Congress to take action now, on the security issues at the border and against sanctuary policies in our states, cities and towns,” said. “These sanctuary policies, including the laws California enacted, directly undermine and limit cooperation and collaboration between local, state and federal law enforcement, making it harder for America’s sheriffs to protect our citizens and legal residents. In addition, the problem of MS-13 and other gangs that operate back and forth across our borders has become worse because of our failure to secure the border and the continued court-ordered catch and release policies.”

Hodgson asked the public contact their Members of Congress to voice their disappointment, and urged Congress to pass the “Securing America’s Future Act” (HR 4760) sponsored by Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.).

Read the letter and more in the Washington Examiner