CIS: Employment Situation for American Workers Still Lagging Behind Pre-Recession Levels


This week the Center for Immigration Studies released its analysis of data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the first quarter of 2018. The report shows that while the situation has greatly improved since the height of the Great Recession, employment levels for workers have not yet returned to pre-recession levels. Among the findings:

  • The labor force participation rate for native workers was 5.4% below what it was during the same period in 2007, before the recession hit, and 8.7% below what is was in the first quarter of 2000.
  • There were 50.1 million persons of working age (18-64) not in the labor force, up from 43.3 million in 2007 and 37.2 million in 2000.
  • 39.9 million, or 80% of the working age population who were not in the labor force did not have a bachelor’s degree.
  • In addition to those not in the labor force, there were almost seven million more persons who were officially unemployed, with over 75% of those not having a bachelor’s degree.

According to CIS director of research, Dr. Steven Camarota:

The current low unemployment rate is misleading because it does not include people who have left the labor force entirely. There is an enormous pool of potential workers who could be drawn back into jobs if we let the market work, forcing employers to change recruiting practices, raise wages, and improve working conditions. Instead, some employers are lobbying to bring in more foreign workers to avoid having to make such changes.

The full report can be viewed here: The Employment Situation of Immigrants and Natives in the First Quarter of 2018

unemployment rates