Report: Rising Number of Indian Nationals Crossing SW Border Illegally


FOX News reports that one of the fastest-growing groups of aliens crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally are from India. In the El Centro border sector, just west of the Arizona-California border, Border Patrol Agents caught six aliens from India crossing in fiscal year 2015. More than 3,400 were arrested so far this fiscal year.

FOX speculated Indian nationals cross the border illegally, in part, because they were unable to obtain H-1B visas, which allow guest workers to get jobs in Science, Engineering, Technology and Mathematics (STEM) fields. But the number is small in comparison to the 21,000 Indian nationals who overstayed their visa last year.

El Centro agent Justin Casterhone told FOX, "It's a common misconception that we just arrest Mexicans - that couldn't be further from the truth. We arrest people from all over the world." He said agents now arrest 5-10 Indian nationals a day. Most men claim asylum as victims of political or religious persecution while the women claim fear of retribution under India’s caste system.

El Centro Sector Chief Gloria Chavez told FOX, "Some of these organizations are charging Indian nationals up to $25,000 dollars to get smuggled into the U.S. These traffickers, they are winning on this. Law enforcement is not."

Chavez said the aliens usually fly through Qatar to Ecuador, then travel on foot or by bus north without any documents verifying their identity. When they reach a border crossing or are arrested, they try to claim to be minors so they are released.

Read more in FOX News.