Senate Committee Delays Vote on New ICE Director

Acting ICE Dir. Ronald Vitiello


The Senate Homeland Security Committee has delayed a vote for the second time on Pres. Trump's nominee to head Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The President had nominated Ron Vitiello to the post last year, but the Senate Committee delayed the vote because of concerns brought to the Committee by the ICE officers union. Pres. Trump had to nominate Vitiello for a second time because of the new Congress starting last month.

Committee Chairman, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.), said the reason for delaying the vote was because "there are some issues."

Earlier this week, ICE Union President, Chris Crane, sent a letter to the Committee, urging its Members to vote against Vitiello's nomination. Primarily, Crane's letter focused on Tweets made by Vitiello, writing that the Tweets demonstrate that he "lacks the judgment and professionalism to effectively lead a federal agency."

"This type of conduct would result in a rank and file ICE employee being disciplined, if not possibly removed from employment," Crane wrote. "We are not aware that Mr. Vitiello was ever disciplined for his actions and instead of being demoted or fired, if confirmed as ICE Director, he will be promoted to the highest position in one of the nation’s largest law enforcement agencies."

It is the first time the ICE Union has ever opposed a presidential appointment.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement has not had a confirmed director under Pres. Trump. Prior to nominating Vitiello, Thomas Homan served as acting director, but retired last fall. Vitiello has served as acting director since Homan's retirement.

For more, see Reuters.