Poll: Majority of Americans Want Stepped-Up Enforcement if Congress Fails to Act

The Harvard Harris Poll in June of 2019 showed 51% of Americans support President Trump's mass removal of illegal immigrants


A majority of Americans want illegal aliens who have already been given final removal orders by an immigration judge to be deported if Congress fails to reach a deal this week that closes loopholes in the country's asylum system that allow mass flows of migrants to pour through the U.S.-Mexico border.

The latest Harvard Harris Poll, released in June of 2019, finds that 51% of American voters say they support the "mass roundup and deportation of illegal immigrants," should Congress fail to reach a deal that closes easily exploitable loopholes in the American immigration system. More than 8 in 10 Republican voters, as well as more than 5 in 10 swing voters, said President Trump should carry out "mass deportations" of illegal aliens following Congressional inaction. Nearly 9 in 10 Trump supporters said the same.

Working and middle-class Americans, those earning $75,000 a year or less, support mass removals of illegal aliens if Congress fails to act by a majority of 53%. A majority of Americans aged 35 and over also agree that President Trump should follow through with such removals. Of all Americans asked, those who see themselves as Democrats and those who admit to voting for Hillary Clinton were the least likely to support the mass removal efforts if Congress should fail to act.

Today, approximately 11 to 13 million illegal aliens are living across the United States. The majority are concentrated in California, New York, Texas, and Florida, as reported by Breitbart. Adding to this, the illegal alien population, over the last decade, has increased by 60,000 in Massachusetts, by 45,000 in Maryland, and by 5,000 in North Dakota and South Dakota.

Below are the summarized findings from the Harvard Harris Poll:

"If a deal is not reached, should the administration move ahead with a mass roundup and deportation of illegal immigrants?"


Male: Yes: 55% No: 45%
Female: Yes: 48% No: 52%


18-34: Yes: 43% No: 57%
35-49: Yes: 52% No: 48%
50-64: Yes: 57% No: 43%
65+: Yes: 53% No: 47%


White: Yes: 57% No: 43%
Hispanic: Yes: 42% No: 58%
Black/AA: Yes: 33% No: 67%
Other: Yes: 38% No: 62%

Politcal Party

Republican: Yes: 81% No: 19%
Democrat: Yes: 26% No: 74%
Independent: Yes: 51% No: 49%

Political Ideology

Liberal: Yes: 23% No: 77%
Moderate: Yes: 47% No: 53%
Conservative: Yes: 80% No: 20%

Voted For

Donald Trump: Yes: 87% No: 13%
Hillary Clinton: Yes: 22% No: 78%
Third Party: Yes: 40% No: 60%


Some College or Less: Yes: 54% No: 46%
College Graduate or Higher: Yes: 46% No: 54%


Urban: Yes: 44% No: 56%
Suburban: Yes: 53% No: 47%
Rural: Yes: 55% No: 45%


$75K or More: Yes: 50% No: 50%
Less than $75K: Yes: 53% No: 47%


Yes: 51%
No: 49%

This news comes as the Acting Director of USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) said in an interview that Immigration and Customs Enforcement is prepared to deport about a million illegal aliens who remain in the country despite having final orders of removal. During an interview with CBS, Ken Cuccinelli said despite a delay of mass removals by President Trump two weeks ago, ICE agents are ready to detain and deport a roughly one million illegal aliens who have been ordered deported from the country.

Cuccinelli stated:

[ICE agents are] ready to just perform their mission which is to go and find and detain and then deport the approximately one million people who have final removal orders. They’ve been all the way through the due process and have final removal orders. Who among those will be targeted for this particular effort or not is really just information kept within ICE.

Cuccinelli added those mass removals by ICE of illegal aliens with final deportation orders “should be going on on a rolling basis” and blamed “the politics of Washington” for interfering with ICE operations. Though Trump gave Congress two weeks to devise a plan to close loopholes in the country’s asylum system — loopholes that have invited millions of border crossers to the U.S. over the last decade — no such plan has been crafted that would pass the House and Senate, as reported by Breitbart.

As Breitbart News has chronicled, there are about 1.7 million illegal aliens from Central America and Mexico, alone, living in the U.S. despite already being ordered deported or having pending deportation orders. The latest federal data concludes that there are more than 925,000 illegal aliens, in total, with final deportation orders who have continued living freely in the U.S. About 20 percent of these illegal aliens have at least one criminal conviction, and almost all are not in federal custody. Roughly 60 percent of these illegal aliens come from Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala.