Rep. Mo Brooks Introduces No Social Security for Illegal Aliens Act


Friday morning, Congressman Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) introduced the No Social Security for Illegal Aliens Act of 2020. The bill would prohibit the distribution of Social Security benefits to illegal aliens who perform unauthorized work in the United States. Demonstrating their contempt for American law, illegal aliens often use fraudulent Social Security numbers to flout current law which forbids illegal aliens from receiving Social Security payments. The “No Social Security for Illegal Aliens Act of 2020” is endorsed by America’s #1 grassroots border security advocacy group, NumbersUSA, and the Association of Mature American Citizens, a 2 million-member strong advocacy organization for Americans 50 and over.

Congressman Brooks was joined by Congressman Gus Bilirakis (FL-12), Congressman Jeff Duncan (SC-03), Congressman Paul Gosar (AZ-04), Congressman Andy Biggs (AZ-05), Congressman Ralph Norman (SC-05), Congressman Ron Wright (TX-06), and Congressman Ted Budd (NC-13) who are all original cosponsors. Congressman Brooks stated about the bill"

The prospect of ‘free’ government services and benefits is a giant magnet for illegal aliens. Congress should do absolutely everything in our power to eliminate that giant magnet. That’s why I’ve introduced the ‘No Social Security for Illegal Aliens Act of 2020.’ It would prohibit the distribution of Social Security benefits to illegal aliens who perform unauthorized work in the United States. The bottom line is, NO illegal alien should be rewarded with government benefits for breaking America’s laws. Illegal aliens are a huge drain on America’s coffers. Each illegal alien costs American taxpayers in the neighborhood of $9,000-$10,000 per year. That puts the yearly price tag for all illegal aliens at more than $200 billion in combined state, local, and federal expenditures. It is taxpayers who should benefit from their tax dollars, not illegal aliens.

Rosemary Jenks, Director of Government Affairs for NumbersUSA, stated in support of the bill;

Illegal workers who use fake or stolen Social Security numbers should not be rewarded by being able to claim Social Security benefits. Most Americans would find it outrageous that an illegal alien can leave the United States and apply for Social Security benefits in his home country and actually receive them based on his illegal work. NumbersUSA applauds Congressman Brooks for working to end this practice.