Mexican Authorities Begin to Break up Newest Caravan


Mexican officials have reportedly begun to break up a new caravan that left Honduras last week in hopes of reaching the United States. According to reports, Mexican officials have stopped much of the caravan and have been processing the unauthorized migrants to be possibly returned to their home countries. The effort by Mexico is part of an agreement it has with the U.S. to help stop large caravans in order to prevent economic tariffs.

Mexican officials met the caravan at Frontera Hidalgo, near Ciudad Hidalgo about 100 miles northwest of Mexico City. Migrants were given the option of turning themselves in for processing and possibly consideration for asylum. But many migrants simply stopped advancing through Mexico. How they proceed from there remains to be seen.

Should members of the caravan reach the U.S.-Mexico border and claim asylum, they'll be forced to remain in Mexico while they await their asylum hearing under Pres. Trump's Migrant Protection Protocols. If they cross the border illegally, they face detention and being returned to their home countries.

Since the Trump Administration stepped up its enforcement efforts, the flow of migrant caravans has stopped until this new one. Last year, U.S. officials and constant flow of caravans leaving from Central American, attempting to reach the U.S. border. In May, Border Patrol officers came into contact with more than 144,000 illegal aliens -- the highest number recorded in more than a decade. But the number of illegal alien encounters was down nearly 72% in December.

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