UK to Introduce Merit Based Immigration System focused on High Skilled Immigrants


As reported by the Guardian, Britain is to close its borders to unskilled workers and those who can’t speak English as part of a fundamental overhaul of immigration laws that will end the era of cheap EU labor in crucial sectors of the UK workforce.

Unveiling its Australian-style points system on Wednesday, the government will say it is grasping a unique opportunity to take “full control” of British borders “for the first time in decades” and eliminate the “distortion” caused by EU freedom of movement.

But big business leaders immediately accused the government of an assault on the economy warning of “disastrous” consequences with job losses and closures in factories and the high street. The Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats also condemned the plans. To which British authorities responded that they are delivering the Brexit demanded by the electorate – they say it is time for businesses to wean themselves off cheap migrant labor, Authorities also said that employers would have to work harder to recruit and retain British staff., adding:

UK businesses will need to adapt and adjust to the end of free movement, and we will not seek to recreate the outcomes from free movement within the points-based system.

A 10-page briefing document outlining the new immigration policy states:

  • "UK borders will be closed to non-skilled workers – and all migrants will have to speak English.
  • Anyone wanting to come to the UK to work must have a job offer with a salary threshold of £25,600 – though a salary “floor” of £20,480 will be acceptable in special cases where there might have a skills shortage skills, such as in nursing.
  • There will be no route for self-employed people coming into the UK, spelling the end to, for example, Polish plumbers or Romanian builders arriving without a job.
  • Border control will no longer accept ID cards from countries such as France and Italy. This, it is understood, is an attempt to clamp down on non-EU workers beating the system with forged or stolen ID cards.
  • The skills threshold for foreign nationals wanting to work in the UK will be lowered from degree to A-levels or their equivalent. The cap on the numbers of skilled workers is being scrapped – and a small number of highly skilled workers will be allowed to come in without a job.
  • The right of artists, entertainers, sports people and musicians to enter for performances, competitions and auditions will be retained."

The government intends to launch a “comprehensive” campaign to prepare employers for the transformation in January next year when EU citizens will be treated the same as other nationals.

For the full story, please visit The Guardian.