Mich. Business Leaders Release 'Michigan Compact' in Support of Depressed Wages and More Jobless Americans


Called the Michigan Compact on Immigration, the statement has five principles that call for immigration reform, including, but certainly not limited to, a giant amnesty! The Compact was signed by a wide range of 16 business groups in Michigan, including several Chambers of Commerce and a group of agricultural companies that in total represent more than 20,000 companies and more than one million employees in Michigan. Both the eastern and western parts of the state are represented as well as both Republicans and Democrats, said signatories, as reported by the Detroit Free Press.

"In Michigan and across the country, immigrants have a huge economic impact. We want to highlight the importance of immigration reform, and take a different look at immigration that is not just a security issue, but an economic issue and put that front and center." said Brad Williams, vice president of government relations at Detroit Regional Chamber.

The Michigan Compact is about "shifting the focus of the conversation back to the importance of immigrants for our communities, and to our economy, putting real data behind the positive impact that immigrants have on the state. It's unfortunate the political rhetoric that's been divisive on this issue. It's important to come out and really talk about the positive impact of immigrants to our state." explained Steven Japinga, vice president of the Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce, which has about 1,100 members.

Leaders of some of Michigans largest companies literally stated in the compact that their "ability to attract new citizens" is essential to keeping their workforces "young" and "competitive," au fond, cheap and replaceable. There are roughly 695,200 immigrants in Michigan, making up 7% of the state's population, compared with 13.7% nationally, according to the 2018 Census. "In 2018 alone, immigrants in Michigan contributed $2.1 billion in state and local taxes and held $18.4 billion in spending power," reads the compact.

Oddly enough, the compact fails to mention that Michigan still had a 2019 U6 unemployment rate of 7.5%, nearly a full percentage point above the U6 national average during 2019 - 6.53%. The U6 unemployment number, a more accurate representation of just how many Americans still remain on the sidelines of the workforce, includes discouraged workers and all other marginally attached workers, as well as those workers who are part-time purely for economic reasons. Nevertheless, there are plenty of American citizens in Michigan who are looking for jobs, and according to Michigan's prominent business leaders - there are plenty of jobs that need to be filled; one would think the solution would be a no-brainer!

In addition, a simple online search adds to the idea that the Michigan Compact may be somewhat misleading when it comes to the communal net impact of low-skilled immigrant households. Although dated, The Heritage Foundation found that, on average, each low-skilled immigrant household has a net taxpayer burden of nearly $20,000 every year (a number doubtlessly higher today compared to when the report was released). Further yet, this cost still pales in comparison to the taxpayer burden of illegal immigration which rests at approximately $116,000,000,000 per year.

Although the Michigan Compact does not mention President Trump by name, it takes clearly antithetical stances to the progress the Trump administration has made on implementing common-sense immigration reforms that once again put general welfare and national interest at the forefront of consideration when our Country decides who to allow in. In addition, a national open-borders group, the New American Economy, worked to help develop a similar compact in other states such as Texas, Florida, and Iowa.

"Immigration is really important to businesses and the Michigan economy. [We want] the federal government and Congress to create an immigration system that is more sound and works, as opposed to the one we have right now, which is making it hard on business," said Steve Tobocman, Director of Global Detroit. Does Steve Tobocman believe it has become too difficult for big business to exploit their workers, does he believe businesses deserve a break - even if that break comes at the expense of American citizens?

The Compact adds "we support bipartisan immigration policy reforms that ensure the federal system meets the needs of our employers and labor market, while providing a permanent solution for undocumented residents who make significant contributions to our state and nation’s economy and enforcing our nation’s laws." The Compact's five principles are: federal responsibility, strengthening our economy and workforce, a sensible path forward, stability, and competitive communities.

Also, the Compact's "sensible path forward" is synonymous with 'giant amnesty' - a tried and true tactic of big business. For far too long DC elites and other open borders groups have pushed amnesty after amnesty on the American public, promising each time a list of enforcement measures to make sure that 'this one will be the last one." Yet, like clockwork, every-time an amnesty is passed the enforcement efforts vanish like a mere soap bubble, until it is time for the next amnesty push. Sadly, this compact goes one step farther - promising an amnesty without offering or endorsing any enforcement efforts, basically guaranteeing future amnesties down the road. Put simply, reoccurring amnesties with zero enforcement are one of the largest enticements for future illegal aliens.

For the full story, please visit the Detroit Free Press.