House Approves Two Bills to Weaken Enforcement


Yesterday, the House of Representatives passed Rep. Judy Chu's (D-Calif.) NO BAN Act and Rep. Pramila Jayapal's (D-Wash.) Access to Counsel Act as amendments to separate legislation. The bills were passed mostly along party lines and are unlikely to receive consideration in the Republican controlled Senate.

Both Amendments are intended to stifle the President's recent actions when it comes to immigration. The NO BAN Act imposes limitations on the President's authority to suspend or restrict aliens from entering the United States and terminates certain presidential actions implementing such restrictions. While the Access to Counsel Act sets various information roadblocks and bureaucratic red-tape for CBP interviews with migrants hoping to enter the United States.

You can view the roll call vote for Rep. Chu's NO BAN Act, here.

The vote fell along party lines except for two Republican Congressmen who voted in favor of the NO BAN Act, Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania and Congressman William Hurd of Texas voted with Congressional Democrats approving the bill.

You can view the roll call vote for Rep. Jayapal's Access to Counsel Act, here.

Much like Rep. Chu's Amendment, the Access to Counsel Act passed mostly along party lines with Independent Representative Justin Amash of Michigan voting alongside Democrats in approving the bill.