State Department Loosens Trump's Immigration Restrictions


The State Department has issued guidance to consulate offices with a broad list of exemptions to Pres. Trump's recent executive order that blocked the entry of most foreign workers. The guidance could end up allowing most visa applicants severely weakening the intent of the president's order.

"Travel by applicants seeking to resume ongoing employment in the United States in the same position with the same employer and visa classification," the state department advisory said.

The State Dept. guidance will also allow travel by technical specialists, senior-level managers, and other workers who hold H-1B visas and if their travel is deemed necessary to facilitate the immediate and continued economic recovery of the United States. The guidance also allows travel of visa holders who are working as public health or healthcare professional, or researchers to alleviate the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, or to conduct ongoing medical research in an area with a substantial public health benefit - an exemption that was specifically included in Pres. Trump's order.

"Travel supported by a request from a U.S. government agency or entity to meet critical U.S. foreign policy objectives or to satisfy treaty or contractual obligations. This would include individuals, identified by the Department of Defense or another U.S. government agency, performing research, providing IT support/services, or engaging other similar projects essential to a US government agency," the advisory stated.

For the full story, please visit News 18.