Trump Visa Halt Partially Blocked by Federal Judge


A federal judge in California has blocked President Trump’s extremely effective ban against many of the largest companies in the country importing tens of thousands of foreign workers under H-1B and other employment-based visas.

The immediate injunction applies only to workers for companies represented by the plaintiffs in the suit: the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the National Retail Federation and TechNet. All companies actively trying to import foreign workers on temporary work visas to fill American jobs.

NAM Senior Vice President and General Counsel Linda Kelly said in a statement:

We are grateful the court recognized the real and immediate harm these restrictions have meant for manufacturers right now and stopped this misguided policy until the court can fully consider the matter. Today’s decision is a temporary win for manufacturers committed to building that innovation in the United States.

U.S. District Judge Jeffrey S. White, a George W. Bush appointee, said Trump likely exceeded his authority in the order.

Congress’ delegation of authority in the immigration context... does not afford the President unbridled authority to set domestic policy regarding employment of nonimmigrant foreigners. Such a finding would render the President’s Article II powers all but superfluous.

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