Judge Tosses Trump's Effective 'Public Charge' Rule


The Washington Times reports that a federal judge in Chicago issued a nationwide injunction Monday to President Trump’s “Public Charge” rule, an attempt to make sure more foreign nationals are capable of self-sufficiency in order to obtain a green card from the US.

Judge Gary Feinerman ruled the government took too many shortcuts in crafting their rule.

“Homeland Security had asked him to confine his ruling to a limited geography and to delay its effectiveness while it was appealed. The Obama appointee rejected both requests, announcing a nationwide policy,” as reported by the Washington Times.

The Times concludes:

Under the “public charge” rule, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services was directed to look at would-be immigrants’ history of access to public programs such as food stamps, many forms of Medicaid, public housing assistance, welfare cash payments and Supplemental Security Income benefits.

Judge Feinerman had previously issued an injunction against the rule, but the Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision in January, had stayed his ruling while the case was heard in full.

Fo the full article, please visit the Washington Times.