Several Rep. Lawmakers to Attend Meeting Hosted by Amnesty Advocates


Six Senate and House Republicans are reportedly expected to meet with amnesty advocates comprised of corporate donors and members of the open border lobby with the intention of “building bipartisanship on immigration reform,” as reported by Breitbart News.

On Thursday, Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL), Thom Tillis (R-NC), Susan Collins (R-ME), and John Cornyn (R-TX) and Representatives Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) and Will Hurd (R-TX) are expected to participate in a discussion with Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Dick Durbin (D-IL), Robert Menendez (D-NJ), and Chris Coons (D-DE), along with a slew of big-business and immigration lobbyists, to discuss striking a deal on amnesty for illegal aliens in the near future.

The event is being hosted by the pro-amnesty American Business Immigration Coalition, who often calls for increased immigration into the United States, which is made up of a series of business donors such as the United States Chamber of Commerce and the open borders lobby like the Soros funded United We Dream organization.

Breitbart obtained a full list of special interests participating in the event, they include:

Jon Baselice, US Chamber of Commerce Immigration Director, Al Cardenas, Shareholder – Squire Patton Boggs, Steve Choi, NYIC Senior Advisor, Alan Cramb, Illinois Institute of Technology President, Lester Crown, Henry Crown & Company Co-Chairman, Bob Dickinson, Carnival Cruise CEO Retired, Craig Duchossois, The Duchossois Group Chairman, Martin Eakes, Self Help Federal Credit Union CEO, Mike Fernandez, MBF Healthcare Partners Chairman, Don Graham, Chairman, Luis Gutierrez, former U.S. Representative, Dr. Carrie Besnette Hauser, Colorado Mountain College President and CEO, Marielena Hincapie, NILC Executive Director, Mellody Hobson, Ariel Investments President and Co-CEO, Josh Hoyt, Democracy Partners, Woody Hunt, Hunt Companies Senior Chairman, Mike Kaplan, Aspen Snowmass CEO, Giev Kashkooli, United Farm Workers Political Director, Bill Kunkler, CC Industries Executive VP, Bill Lucia, HMS CEO, Stan Marek, MAREK Brothers & Systems CEO, Greisa Martinez, United We Dream, Executive Director, Eva Millona, MIRA CEO, Marc Morial, The National Urban League President, Anna Morzy, Greenberg Traurig Shareholder, Ana Navarro, American Political Strategist, Penny Pritzker, former United States Secretary of Commerce, Raul Raymundo, TRP CEO, Maria Rodriguez, Florida Immigrant Coalition Executive Director, John Rowe, Exelon Chairman Emeritus, Zaher Sahloul, MedGlobal CEO, Angelica Salas, CHIRLA Executive Director, Sam Scott, Ingredion Incorporated CEO Retired, Carole Segal, Crate and Barrel Co-Founder, Gustavo Torres, CASA Executive Director, Chris Wallace, North Texan Commission President and CEO, Bob Worsley, SkyMall Founder and Arizona Republican State Senator Retired, Justin Yancey, Texas Business Leadership Council President.

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has vowed to send an amnesty plan to the Senate in his first 100 days in office.

A handful of Republican lawmakers, including Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Cornyn, have also suggested working with a Biden administration on an amnesty deal, as NumbersUSA shared last week.

For the complete article, please visit Breitbart News.