Sen. Tom Cotton Releases DREAM Act Analysis


Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) recently released a detailed analysis of the DREAM Act, providing examples of how the open-border policy would undermine American workers’ economic opportunities and the safety of American families.

The document, exclusively obtained by Breitbart News, reveals the Democratic push for a DREAM Act would grant upwards of 2 million illegal aliens work permits immediately and eventually full citizenship.

Cotton’s fact sheet exposing the disastrous impact of the DREAM Act begins by noting that the renewed push for the legislation comes as President Biden begins to see the foundation of his larger immigration plan begin to crumble.

Breitbart News explains:

Biden introduced a mass-scale amnesty for every illegal alien in America on the first day of his administration, but the measure has received serious blowback from Republicans who are unlikely to embrace that broad package. To overcome a Senate filibuster, Democrats would need to woo at least 10 Senate Republicans to join their ranks on amnesty — and recent reports indicate there is not a single GOP senator willing to get on board with that.

As such, the Democrats and some establishment Republicans have begun shifting the focus not just to executive actions the Biden administration can take — from the White House and from newly-confirmed Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas — but also to slimmer more focused immigration legislation like a DREAM Act amnesty.

Sen. Cotton’s fact sheet represents the first major pushback from Republicans on the Biden amnesty wishlist. While some of Cotton’s colleagues have voiced opposition to wide-sweeping amnesties - Cotton’s report is a factual explanation of one of the largest open-border wish-list items, and hopefully, a sign of Republicans gearing up to fight such disastrous legislation.

Cotton’s report, obtained exclusively by Breitbart News, outlines the crux of the issue:

Lawmakers are re-introducing the DREAM Act, a costly amnesty program that would legalize millions of illegal aliens. By granting work permits and citizenship, the bill would put illegal aliens in direct competition with Americans for jobs during the pandemic.

The document conducts a comprehensive analysis of the most recent version of the DREAM Act, from last year’s Congress. That bill is very similar to whatever lawmakers will are expected to introduce in pursuit of a DREAM Act strategy to break up the Biden amnesty agenda into more palatable pieces rather than the original failing broad plan.

Citing the Congressional Budget Office, Cotton’s document notes that the DREAM Act would give “work permits and eventual citizenship” to more than 2 million illegal aliens. “That number includes many more illegal aliens than applied for or received former President Barack Obama’s first executive amnesty, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program”. “After receiving citizenship, amnesty recipients could then sponsor family members for citizenship as well, including parents who brought them to the United States illegally”, reports Breitbart News.

The DREAM Act also, according to Cotton’s office, “ignores criminal records” of the illegal aliens being granted amnesty including whether they have “multiple criminal convictions at the federal or state level” and especially whether they committed “serious, violent felonies pled down to lesser offenses”. “The bill even allows the Secretary of Homeland Security to issue amnesty waivers for human traffickers and those who voted illegally in our elections,” Cotton’s document says.

The Breitbart article summarizes the rest of Sen. Cotton’s fact sheet:

The document continues by citing the CBO analysis to lay out how the DREAM Act would cost American taxpayers $26 billion to amnesty these illegal aliens, because it would “require American taxpayers to pay for health insurance subsidies, tax credits, and welfare programs for illegal aliens.

And perhaps most importantly, the vast majority of those who would be amnestied under the DREAM Act that leftist and establishment politicians are pursuing are not even children. In fact, they are overwhelmingly adults over the age of 20 years old.

In fact, 87% of DACA recipients are older than 20, and approximately 130,000 DACA recipients are in their 30s, according to data from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services,” the document concludes, citing a document from USCIS.

For the complete article, please visit Breitbart News.