Senate votes to block stimulus checks for illegal aliens


The Senate approved an amendment offered by Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.) to the Covid relief bill that would block stimulus checks from going to illegal aliens. Eight Democrats sided with all 50 Republicans, allowing the amendment to pass by a 58-42 margin.

Young's amendment mirrored language that was included in the last Covid relief bill, extending stimulus checks to mixed-status households -- households with both U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents and illegal aliens. The first Covid relief bill, passed last summer, prohibited all illegal aliens from receiving stimulus checks.

The 8 Democrats to vote with the Republicans, include:

  • Sen. Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire
  • Sen. John Hickenlooper of Colorado
  • Sen. Mark Kelly of Arizona
  • Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia
  • Sen. Gary Peters of Michigan
  • Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona
  • Sen. Debbie Stabenow of Michigan
  • Sen. Jon Tester of Montana

“It would establish a dangerous precedent if the federal government were to give a direct cash payment to those who have jumped the line and subverted our nation’s immigration system to enter the United States,” said Senator Young. “I’m pleased the Senate has passed our amendment on a bipartisan basis.”

“We shouldn’t give checks to foreigners who’ve broken our laws. Pandemic relief should go only to Americans, not illegal immigrants,” said Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR).