Jan. Border Numbers Reach Decade High, Biden Admin. Re-Starts 'Catch and Release'


January 2021 marked the highest number of apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border compared to that same month in the past decade, already reaching the high water mark from the 2019 border surge.

Authorities made about 78,000 arrests in January, according to data released this week by the U.S.CBP. The agency averaged about 3,000 arrests per day in January and the numbers are only going up.

CBP Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Commissioner Troy Miller said in a press release on Wednesday:

While CBP continues to experience an increase in attempted monthly border crossings as seen since last April, the uptick seems to be occurring in a small fraction of locations across the southwest border, which is consistent with trends in years past.”

CBP accredited the uptick in arrests to "underlying crime and instability" in the migrants' country of origin while reaffirming their commitment to the catastrophic Biden immigration plan, leaving out any mention of the new administration’s systemic deconstruction of the necessary protections against such surges.

Namely, the Biden Administration has ended the Migrant Protection Protocols, Asylum agreements with three Central American countries, the public charge rule, halted deportations for 100 days, ended the life-saving COVID restrictions on immigration, promised continual amnesties and easier pathways to citizenship, and finally, reintroduced the disastrous policy of ‘catch and release’ at the southern border.

Single adult Mexican citizen encounters increased by about 119 percent from January 2020 to January 2021. Almost all categories of illegal aliens increased by approximately six percent between December 2020 and January 2021.

"The situation at the border will not transform overnight, due in large part to the damage done over the last four years," according to a White House statement released in January. The White House said on Wednesday that it "needs time" to put a "comprehensive process and system" in place at the southwest border, reports Newsweek. White House Press Secretary, Jen Psaki even went as far to say, “Now is not the time to come, and the vast majority of people will be turned away.”

However, reports are already surfacing that after the first signs of a coming border surge, the Biden administration has restarted the tragic practice of ‘catch and release’, turning illegal aliens loose into the U.S. providing yet another magnet for increased illegal immigration.

For the complete article, please visit Newsweek.