Biden Immigration Bill -- U.S. Citizenship Act -- Introduced in Congress


On behalf of President Joe Biden, Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-Calif.) introduced the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021 today, advancing the open-border goals of America's political elite and donor class. Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) is expected to introduce its Senate companion.

As expected, open-border activists and supporters of uncontrolled mass immigration are already calling on the Democrat-led U.S. Senate to abandon its commitment to long-held parliamentary procedure and to legislating in the interest of all Americans in order to eliminate the Senate filibuster to pass the disastrous proposal.

It is looking like the bill may face stiff opposition as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi only has a five-vote margin and the Senate is tied at 50-50, with the tie-breaking vote going to Vice-President Kamala Harris.

Text of the much-anticipated, 353-page bill was finally released, but before it was made public, a 66-page outline was released offering some of the bill's details.

For example, the bill includes a mass amnesty for the nation's more than 11 million illegal aliens. In order to receive the amnesty, illegal aliens will have to meet a handful of loose provisions, including submitting to a background check and claiming a presence in the United States.

The bill also includes:

  • Expanding Chain Migration,
  • Increasing the Visa Lottery from 55,000 to 80,000,
  • Expanding Birthright Citizenship,
  • Repealing the 3-year/10-year bars for illegal presence, and
  • Creating a partisan commission composed of lawmakers, employers, and labor unions to make recommendations on improving worker verification.

Look for NumbersUSA’s upcoming full legal analysis of the bill. The full text can be found here.