Opposition to Chain Migration reaches new high as House to vote on new Chain-Migration Amnesty

Updated: March 24th, 2021, 12:25 pm


  by  Roy Beck
As the leadership of the U.S. House of Representatives prepares to open vast new chains of family migration to around 5 million illegal aliens, American voters are expressing more opposition than usual to the practice.

Only 25% favor current U.S. immigration policy which allows legal immigrants to bring in not just their spouse and children but also eventually other adult relatives that can include extended family and their spouses' families. Sixty-six percent (66%) are opposed to current policy and think legal immigrants should be able to bring only their spouse and children with them. This is the highest level of opposition to so-called 'chain immigration' since the Index began in December 2019." -- RASMUSSEN REPORTS

Sixty-six percent don't want any immigrants -- presumably even the nuclear physicists -- to be able to bring their family reunions with them to America.

So, imagine what they must think about what House Speaker Pelosi hopes to do next week. The two amnesties she is pushing would allow 5 million illegal aliens to start a process that can eventually bring in their brothers, sisters, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and the spouses of all of them -- which opens up many new migration chains of in-laws.

Take a look at the chart. Follow the opinions of "likely voters" since Rasmussen Reports began its weekly immigration polling in December of 2019. You'll see that the orange opposition line is always at least 20 percentage points higher than the green support line. And the latest poll shows the largest spread yet.

Opposition to chain migration is 41 percentage points higher than support for it.

The latest poll of 1,250 likely voters used the same language as all previous polls: "Do you favor legal immigrants being allowed to bring with them only a spouse and minor children, or do you favor them also eventually bringing in other adult relatives in a process that can include extended family and their spouses' families?"

That drew strong opposition from 21 of the 22 demographic groups in the poll (divided by race, religion, education, party, ideology, geography, age, income, sex). All but one rejected family migration beyond the spouse and minor children. The one grouping exception was people identifying as liberals who were basically evenly split: 45% - 47%.

Examples of the level of opposition to chain migration (percentages don't add up to 100 because of those answering "not sure"):

  • 53-39 Democrats
  • 80-12 Republicans
  • 67-22 Independents/Other
  • 70-24 Hispanics
  • 61-30 Young adults (age 18-39)

It is difficult to see how any U.S. Representative could avoid the wrath of voters by supporting the two amnesty bills that entail an aspect so unpopular as endless chains of family migration. But Representatives right now are free to do whatever they want because the news media have almost universally blocked this chain migration information about the bill from the public.

The law under the current language of the two amnesty bills would provide each of the amnestied illegal aliens with the ability to petition for a spouse, minor children, any adult children, the illegal alien's parents, brothers and sisters. But because each of them could in turn petition for all the same categories, their relatives would be the amnestied illegal alien's aunts, uncles, first cousins and, of course, lots of in-laws through all the spouses. And each of those relatives get the same inviting rights, and on and no limit until the end of time, under current law.

All amnestied illegal aliens, of course, would not result in all of those relatives coming, partly because of annual caps on some of the categories. But it can happen, and even a partial use of those possibilities means that each amnestied illegal results in large numbers of admissions over the next several decades.

Who will help us spread the word before Representatives cast a vote that will forever brand them with their recklessness and thoughtlessness on the NumbersUSA Immigration Grade Cards?

Because most illegal aliens are lower-skilled and less-educated, it is logical that most of their chains of relatives also will be. Thus, the huge volume of the chain migration created by the amnesties will help depress the wages and the employment rates for our nation's most vulnerable members, the similarly skilled and educated Americans and legal immigrants already here.

(NOTE: The latest Rasmussen Reports poll was 37% Democrat, 33% Republican, 30% other. Its racial breakdown of likely voters was 70% White, 12% Black, 13% Hispanic, and 5% all others.)

ROY BECK is Founder & CEO of NumbersUSA