Texas and Louisiana Sue Biden Administration Over Lack of Enforcement


The Attorneys General from Texas and Louisiana sued the Biden Administration in federal court, alleging that the Administration refuses to take illegal aliens convicted of serious crimes into federal custody. After Joe Biden’s national sanctuary policies continue to prevent approximately 9-in-10 removals that would have otherwise happened.

Texas and Louisiana are seeking to block two DHS memorandums established early this year. Both orders act to narrow immigration enforcement to three categories: aliens suspected of terrorism, aliens convicted of an “aggravated felony,” and aliens who crossed illegally after Nov. 1, 2020, reports the Epoch Times.

The Attorneys General state in their suit that the DHS orders fail to prioritize detention of aliens with final orders of removal or criminal aliens convicted of drug offenses or crimes of moral turpitude.

The result of DHS failing to do its job has led to ICE rescinding detainer requests, not issuing detainer requests, and above all else, the release of criminal illegal aliens from federal detention centers in the two states.

“As a consequence, dangerous criminal aliens are being released into local communities,” the lawsuit argues.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton stated on the issue;

President Biden’s outright refusal to enforce the law is exacerbating an unprecedented border crisis. By failing to take custody of criminal aliens and giving no explanation for this reckless policy change, the Biden Administration is demonstrating a blatant disregard for Texans’ and Americans’ safety.

For the complete story, please visit the Epoch Times.