Alien 'Got-Away' Total Exceeds 185K this FY Alone


A law enforcement source within Customs and Border Protection, only speaking under the condition of anonymity given the Biden Admin. gag-orders, says more than 185,000 aliens have escaped Border Patrol apprehension so far this fiscal year alone.

For context, in mid-April, the “got-away” total just exceeded more than 155,000 leaving Border Patrol leadership frustrated, in half a month an additional 30,000 aliens evaded Border Patrol. Last year, 69,000 illegal aliens managed to avoid apprehension by the Border Patrol.

In addition, sources report that the “got-away” count is usually lower than reality. How much so is debatable as the method of counting is not exactly scientific. Nevertheless, the increasing “got-away” numbers come as CBP reports its highest apprehension totals since 2006.

The increasing number of unaccompanied alien minors crossing the border has Health and Human Services struggling to find sponsors within the United States. While the Biden Admin. continues to fuel the situation with the promise of amnesty legislation, executive amnesties, lax interior enforcement, and a reduction in removals.

For the complete article, please visit Breitbart News.