April Border Apprehensions Now At 20 Year High, Minimal Drop in UACs


U.S. Customs and Border Enforcement announced earlier this week that alien apprehensions along the Southern Border continued to rise throughout the month of April, but on a hopeful note, the number of unaccompanied alien minors arriving at the border fell slightly.

Data from CBP published yesterday proves that the hollow promises of a closed and secure border echoing from the White House have not yet materialized. In April, at the border alone, 178,622 illegal aliens were arrested and detained after attempting to illegally cross. This marks the highest one-month total in 20 years.

April, however, did mark the first month during the Biden Administration that saw a drop in unaccompanied alien minors attempting to illegally cross the Southern Border. In March of 2021, 18,733 unaccompanied minors were caught at the Southern Border, in April the number slightly fell to 16,933.

“CBP continues to see a large influx of illegal migration along the Southwest Border,” said CBP Senior Official Performing the Duties of Commissioner Troy Miller.

In order to disrupt criminal organizations that have little regard for human life, CBP is leading the way alongside external law enforcement partners through Operational Sentinel. Day after day, CBP rescues migrants abandoned in harsh terrain, left for dead with no food or water. CBP is committed to enhancing the security of the U.S. border and helping save the lives of vulnerable migrants.