172K Apprehended at Border in May as Biden's Border Crisis Shows No Sign of Slowing Down


The Department of Homeland Security recently released May’s southwest border apprehension data, showing more than 180,000 encounters with illegal aliens last month alone. These most recent apprehension numbers are keeping up the pace of the worst border surge in two decades.

8,023 illegal aliens were encountered by CBP Office of Field Operations at ports of entry, 172,011 illegal aliens were apprehended by CBP Border Patrol after illegally crossing the southern border. For comparison, the OFO May apprehension tally represents a 55.2% increase from April 2021, while the BP tally represents a 1% decrease from April.

Notably, the flow of aliens seems to be shifting away from family units to single adults. This could be due to alien families choosing to show up at border crossings and demanding entry through asylum claims, says CBP.

Despite the Biden Administration’s continued efforts to deceive the American public with repeated lies about the border being “closed” or even “secure,” over one-third of aliens arrested for illegal entry in May were released into the United States.

CBP also reported an increase of repeat offenders or recidivists. “Thirty-eight percent of encounters in May 2021 were individuals who had at least one prior encounter in the previous 12 months,” the agency said. In 2019, the last full year before the pandemic, which also saw a border surge, the recidivism rate was just 7%.

Analysts and politicos alike are now coming to a similar conclusion, the current border crisis stems from President Biden’s systematic dismantling of prudent immigration policies that deny border jumpers and aliens with bogus asylum claims a foothold in the United States.

President Biden called these policies “cruel” before scrapping them; effectively throwing open the floodgates to the slew of transnational gangs and transnational criminal organizations running the now multibillion-dollar human smuggling and trafficking operations at the border.

An illegal journey to the United States, tacitly encouraged by the Administration’s policy decisions and continual promises of amnesty, is a truly cruel path of threats, extortion (sometimes up to tens of thousands of dollars), drug running, ransom, rape, torture, death, and sometimes murder.

American citizens working as smugglers for the cartels can now receive up to $200,000 in ten months for driving aliens across border checkpoints, in one case, as demand for traffickers now reaches a 20 year high because of the administration’s refusal to take action in stemming the flow of aliens.

Even the American Farm Bureau in conjunction with all 50 state Farm Bureaus penned a letter to the President asking for him to take action on the current border crisis. In the letter, they describe the dangers posed by cartel coyotes to Americans and immigrants alike near the border.

Human smugglers (Coyotes) are making false promises and doing whatever it takes to get paid and get away, including jeopardizing lives and property. In their desperation to evade law enforcement, Coyotes abandon people, steal vehicles, vandalize property and threaten the safety and livelihoods of farmers and ranchers. They are often criminals who smuggle drugs and firearms into the country, frequently leaving them on farmers’ and ranchers’ property, causing unrest for farm and ranch families.

For more on this story, please visit the Washington Times.