Majority of Voters say Biden Should be Stricter on Border Policy


According to a recent Harvard Harris Poll, a majority of voters believe that President Biden should implement stricter immigration policies to limit the number of illegal aliens currently surging across the southern border.

64% of registered voters in the new poll released solely to The Hill, stated that Biden should “issue new, stricter policies to reduce the flow of people across the border.”

However, 36 percent said the administration should continue its current policies.

The question comes as the White House continues to act surprised by the worst alien surge in 20 years, while steadily rolling back policies that were implemented to secure the border and continually promising amnesties.

The Biden Administration revoked Trump’s policy that barred immigrants from obtaining visas unless they proved they could obtain health insurance or pay for health care, scrapped the travel ban targeting known funders of international terrorism, and upheld the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, among other things.

Biden this month also formally closed the "Remain in Mexico" program, which rooted out bogus asylum claims and courtroom absenteeism by allowing asylum-seekers to stay in Mexico while awaiting the result of their case in U.S. immigration court. Going a step further, the Biden Admin is now allowing aliens ordered deported under the MPP for not showing up to their court date, to enter the U.S. and restart their application process

The Department of Homeland Security also officially banned family separations for prosecutions of illegal border crossings, a privilege not even afforded to U.S. citizens - skyrocketing human trafficking and smuggling as coyotes and cartels will use unrelated children as an easy release for apprehended illegal aliens.

Voters have made their voice unambiguously clear since Biden took office, however. In the most recent poll, 55% of voters said the previous administration’s policies should have been kept.

Overall, 67 percent of voters say that people who cross the southern border illegally should be sent back to Mexico.

For the full story, please visit The Hill.