Rep Jody Hice Re-introduces Legislation to End Chain Migration


Rep. Jody Hice (R-Ga.) has re-introduced legislation that would end Chain Migration. H.R. 4050, the Nuclear Family Priority Act, is one of NumbersUSA's 5 Great Immigration Solutions and would reform the family-based preference categories to focus solely on spouses and minor children of new immigrants, reducing overall legal immigration by at least 300,000 per year.

The Nuclear Family Priority Act would eliminate the Adult Siblings and Adult Children categories, which account for more than 100,000 green cards each year. Further, the bill would create a renewable, nonimmigrant visa for parents of new immigrants. Under existing law, parents of new immigrants fall under the immediate relatives category, which is uncapped and unlimited. Together, these categories account for more than one-quarter of the more than 1 million green cards issued annually and lead to further immigration by creating endless chains of family-based migration.

The bill was introduced with three original cosponsors, including Reps. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), and Brian Babin (R-Texas).

Rep. Hice has introduced the legislation in three consecutive Congresses after taking it over from now retired Congressman Phil Gingrey. Gingrey first introduced the legislation in 2006.