DHS Sec. Mayorkas Expands And Extends TPS for Yemen


Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas has announced an 18-month extension and re-designation of Yemen for Temporary Protected Status (TPS). This extension and re-designation will be in effect from September 4, 2021, through March 3, 2023.

Sec. Mayorkas attempted to explain his decision making:

Yemen continues to experience worsening humanitarian and economic conditions that prevent individuals from safely returning to their homes. Therefore, I have decided to extend and re-designate Yemen for Temporary Protected Status. We will continue to protect and offer these individuals a place of residency temporarily in the United States.

The extension of Yemen for TPS allows approximately 1,700 current aliens to retain TPS through March 3, 2023. The re-designation of TPS for Yemen allows an estimated 480 additional Yemeni illegal aliens who have been continuously residing in the United States since July 5, 2021, and have been continuously physically present in the United States since September 4, 2021, to file initial applications to obtain TPS, if they are otherwise eligible.

Eligible illegal aliens who do not have TPS may submit an initial Form I-821 for amnesty during the initial registration period that will run from the publication date of the Federal Register notice through the full length of the re-designation period ending March 3, 2023.

For more on this story, please visit DHS.gov