House Minority Report Exposes Biden Admin's, Dem. Leadership's Role in Ongoing Border Crisis


A new report by Republican Representatives on the House Committee on Oversight and Reform and the House Committee on the Judiciary exposes both the Biden Administration and Democratic leadership for their culpability in the ongoing crisis at the southern border.

The staff report compiles a plethora of information outlining a set of actions that show how the Biden Administration "precipitated a massive immigration crisis" and how House Democrats "have ignored repeated warnings from Republicans to the detriment of our safety, health and the rule of law."

The report states:

After bold steps taken by President Trump stemmed the flow of illegal migrants coming to the United States, the Biden administration has not only reversed course on measures seeking to stop the influx of border crossings but has instituted permissive policies and incentivized immigration through non-legal channels. While this crisis rages on in real-time, Democrats have no plan – and apparently no intention – of acting to stop the Biden border crisis.

You can read the complete staff report below.

GOP Oversight and Judiciary... by Fox News

CBP announced last Friday that 188,829 migrants were encountered at the southern border throughout June, increasing from the 180,034 encountered in May. When President Biden took office in Jan., there were 78,442 encounters at the border; in June 2020, Border Patrol encountered just 33,049 migrants.

With three remaining months in the fiscal year, this June also marked the milestone of over ONE MILLION illegal alien encounters at the southern border.

The Biden administration continues to erroneously blame the Trump administration’s actions in “breaking down” America’s immigration system and ignoring "root causes" for Central American migration such as climate change and poverty in Central America.

Reminder: Biden, as Vice President, watched President Obama’s “root causes” foreign aid have zero effect in stemming migration from Central America.

Nevertheless, Fox News reports, “Vice President Kamala Harris unveiled a series of measures to combat those root causes in a trip to Guatemala and Mexico – and the administration is pushing for a $4 billion investment in the region over four years.”

The report, dismissing these absurd ideas, blames not only the rollback of successful programs like MPP and other third-country agreements but also: the ending of border wall construction, the decision not to expel unaccompanied alien minors under Title 42, and the total restriction of interior Immigration and Customs Enforcement priorities that have coincided with an intentional decrease in arrests and deportations.

Oversight Committee ranking member James Comer, R-Ky., said in a statement:

In just six months, President Biden has ignited the worst crisis at the border in decades. Starting on day one in office, President Biden in both word and action has put illegal immigrants first and Americans last through his radical open borders agenda.

Under his watch, masses of children have been held in overcrowded facilities during a pandemic and past the legal timeframe, apprehensions at the southwest border are at a 21-year high, the human smuggling industry is booming, and deadly drugs like fentanyl are pouring across the border. Congress must conduct oversight of this gross mismanagement, but Democrats have refused to hold a single hearing. It’s past time for the Biden administration to take the actions needed to restore order at our nation’s border.

Separately, and in a more concerning vein, the report outlines several letters and requests made by Republican leadership to agencies within the Biden Administration and several House Committees that have received either partial or no response.

For the complete article, please visit Fox News.