CBP: Over 164K Aliens Encountered During October, Highest Oct. Total in Over Two Decades


According to US Customs and Border Protection, more than 164,000 aliens were encountered during the month of October after illegally crossing the southern border; this total is more than double the number of aliens apprehended in October 2020.

While the 164,303 encounters represented a 14% decrease from September and a 23% decrease from July, the October total was still the highest number of aliens encountered that month in over two decades - 128% increase compared to October 2020, 263% increase compared to October 2019.

CBP Acting Commissioner Troy Miller said in a public statement:

CBP’s workforce continues to demonstrate excellence and dedication as they manage heightened travel demands on the border, facilitate a return to normal travel and trade at all our ports of entry, and manage migrant encounters in a safe, orderly, and humane way.

October marks the third straight month of declining unauthorized migrant encounters along the Southwest border — with particularly sharp drops in families and unaccompanied children — and CBP’s workforce continues to work with partners across the federal government and throughout the hemisphere to disrupt the smugglers intent on exploiting vulnerable migrants for profit.

Approximately two-thirds, 108,583, of the encounters throughout the month of October were single adults. 42,726 alien family units were encountered and 12,807 unaccompanied alien minors throughout the month.

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