Poll: Manchin's West Virginia Democratic Voters Oppose Amnesty In Reconciliation Bill

Updated: December 6th, 2021, 11:15 am


  by  Roy Beck

Only 33% of West Virginia's Democratic "likely voters " say they prefer the 10-year amnesty for up to 8 million illegal immigrants in the budget reconciliation bill that is headed to the Senate, according to new polling by Rasmussen Reports.

The overwhelming opposition to that amnesty from Senator Joe Manchin's own party, and even greater objections from the rest of his state's voters, should be a bright red light for West Virginia's Democratic senator to stop a bill with that amnesty from passing through the Senate.

(FROM RASMUSSEN REPORTS) "The House of Representatives last week passed the $2-trillion spending bill, which Democrats hope to enact through a "reconciliation" procedure to overcome a Senate filibuster. Only 28% of West Virginia voters generally support the Build Back Better bill, while 55% oppose it. Another 17% are not sure."

"While 49% of Democratic voters in West Virginia say they support the Build Back Better legislation, the bill is opposed by solid majorities of both Republicans (72%) and voters not affiliated with either major party (58%). Even among Democrats, however, only 33% support the provision that offers legal status and work permits for up to 8 million illegal immigrants without any extra enforcement to gain control of the country's border with Mexico or to deter future illegal migration."

"There has been a surge of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border since President Joe Biden took office, with about 200,000 illegally crossing the border each month. The survey found that 79% of West Virginia voters are concerned about the current level of illegal immigration, including 64% who are very concerned."

-- Rasmussen Reports

Earlier this month, Senator Manchin said:

For us to even be talking about immigration without border security is ludicrous."

Most West Virginia voters apparently agree. This new poll finds that 61 percent believe the reconciliation amnesty would encourage even more crossings at a border already out of control. The bill includes no enforcement to deter illegal border crossers and visa overstayers while giving huge rewards to those very people.

(Read the full wording and results of the entire poll.)

The survey of 1,077 likely voters found that 87% of the Democrats said they were either very closely following (58%) or somewhat closely following (29%) news about the reconciliation bill.

They were asked to choose which of four positions was closest to their own view about the amnesty in the bill. The results were:

  • 33% of Democrats (and 17% of all West Virginia voters) answered: "Support the 10-year amnesty in the Build Back Better bill."
  • 21% of Democrats (14% of all) answered: "Support the amnesty only if it includes provisions to stop future illegal immigration."
  • 22% of Democrats (34% of all) answered: "No amnesty should be considered until the border is under control.
  • 21% of Democrats (29% of all) answered: "Oppose amnesty under any condition."

By a 52-36 percent margin, West Virginia Democrats said the federal government "should adopt stricter policies to reduce the flow of illegal crossings (70-21 percent for all voters).

Democrats (50-42) said most people who cross the border with Mexico illegally should "be returned to Mexico" rather than being "allowed to live and work in the U.S. until requested to appear in court" (68-24 for all voters).

By a 48-34 percent margin, Democrats answered that they would be less likely rather than more likely to vote for a member of Congress who "supported work permits for the 8 million illegal immigrants" (65-19 for all voters).

Across all party lines, West Virginia voters overwhelmingly agreed with controlling illegal immigration by mandating "that all employers use the federal electronic E-Verify system to help ensure that they hire only legal workers for U.S. jobs." The margin of support for mandatory E-Verify was 61-21 for Democrats, 71-13 for Independents, and 79-7 for Republicans. The reconciliation amnesty includes no provision about E-Verify.

Despite a great deal of recent comment from some politicians and some media about worker shortages and rising prices, West Virginia voters don't support additional foreign workers even if it could keep prices down. They were asked: "When businesses say they are having trouble finding Americans to take jobs in construction, manufacturing, hospitality and other service work, what is generally best for the country? "

  • 63% both of Democrats and of voters overall chose: "Better for businesses to raise the pay and try harder to recruit non-working Americans even if it causes prices to rise."
  • 20% of Democrats and 16% of voters overall chose: "Better for the government to bring in new foreign workers to help keep business costs and prices down."

ROY BECK is NumbersUSA Founder and President