Senate Parliamentarian Rules Against 'Plan C' Amnesty


The Senate Parliamentarian, Elizabeth MacDonough, ruled against the Democrats including their 'Plan C' amnesty in the Build Back Better Act that they hope to pass by using the filibuster-proof budget reconciliation process.

The 'Plan C' parole amnesty would grant work permits and legal status to approximately 7.9 million illegal aliens. However, like the Democrats' two prior amnesty proposals, the Senate Parliamentarian said the proposal would violate the Byrd Rule, which requires all provisions included in the budget reconciliation legislation to be primarily budgetary in matter.

Senator Richard "Dick" Durbin of Illinois, who took the helm of Democrats' immigration negotiations, stated that the parliamentarian "found the plan extended 'just too many rights' to illegal aliens to be able to pass muster under the rules of the budget," reports The Washington Times. The Senator stated he was "disappointed."

Already, the Senate Parliamentarian struck down two previous plans to extend a more traditional amnesty plan to millions of illegal aliens residing in the country. But both times, Ms. MacDonough struck the plans stating that the offer of citizenship was a significant policy debate that didn't fit inside the budgetary fiscal-oriented rules of reconciliation.

According to The Washington Times, Senator Chuck Grassley stated that "Democrats should take the hint and stop trying to force major immigration changes into a bill that has no bipartisan support." The Senator added:

Passing these measures on a party-line vote would set a terrible precedent and further erode the valuable role of the Senate as a legislative body that requires debate, consultation, and compromise in order to enact major policy proposals into law.

However, immediately following the parliamentarian's ruling, pro-amnesty advocates and some House Democrats began a campaign to pressure Senate Democrats to overrule the decision.

"We have gone from the possibility of making permanent legalization and citizenship available to about 8 million Dreamers, TPS holders, and essential workers, including farmworkers, to nothing. The parliamentarian's decisions on three separate proposals were wrong, and the Senate should not let that stand," said Mike Fernandez, co-chair of the American Business Immigration Coalition.

Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, among others, has told reporters on several occasions that he would not vote to overrule the parliamentarian. But now, several House Democrats have vowed to oppose the legislation when it makes its way back to the lower chamber unless it includes an amnesty for illegal aliens.

Additionally, Sens. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) have hinted at Democrats presenting more amnesty options before the parliamentarian. In a joint statement Thursday night, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stated that he would "pursue every means to achieve a path to citizenship" in the bill.

For more information, please visit The Washington Times.