Illegal Alien Apprehensions at Border Skyrocket in March, Ports of Entry See Surge


The number of illegal alien encounters increased sharply in March 2022 compared to February. According to Customs and Border Protection data, the massive rise was due to increases in all categories of aliens, although single aliens adults saw the largest monthly increase.

In total, USCBP encountered 221,303 illegal aliens in March 2022. This total represents a 33.4% increase in alien encounters compared to February 2022. For context, in March 2021, CBP encountered 173,277 total illegal aliens; and in March, during the 2019 border surge, CBP encountered just 103,731 total illegal aliens.

In March, U.S. Border Patrol apprehended 209,906 aliens attempting to cross the southern border illegally. This represents a 32% increase compared to the previous month and is by far the highest monthly total of Biden’s presidency.

The Office of Field Operations reported an additional 11,397 illegal aliens encountered at U.S. ports of entry. This is an astounding 66.6% increase compared to February. This March’s alien encounter total is the highest recorded monthly total since 2000.

The monthly increases were due to across-the-board increases in alien demographics. Family units, Unaccompanied Alien Children, and Single Alien Adults all saw steady increases between February and March of 2022 - Single Alien Adults, mostly economic migrants, saw the most significant monthly increase.

The Washington Times reports that “about half of all the illegal immigrants nabbed last month, whether by the Border Patrol operating between border crossings or Customs and Border Protection officers manning the official ports of entry, were immediately ousted under Title 42.” The remaining half were processed per usual immigration laws and released into American communities.

For the complete story, please visit The Washington Times.