22,000 Illegal Aliens Apprehended Just Over Weekend


Late Friday, U.S. District Judge Robert Summerhays ordered the Biden Administration to keep Title 42 intact, siding with the nearly two dozen states who sued the administration for that end. Judge Summerhays’s ruling means he believed that the states were more likely than not to prove that they would face irreparable harm if the order were repealed as planned on May 23.

However, while immediate fears of the end of Title 42 may be easing, Border Patrol officers still apprehended more than 22,000 illegal aliens over this past weekend. The weekend surge predominantly occurred in the Rio Grande Valley and Del Rio border sectors, with over 9,000 of the 22,000 aliens passing through those areas.

Eagle Pass, a Texas town in the Del Rio border sector notably used by the thousands of Haitian aliens last year, saw an approximate surge of 5,000 illegal crossings this weekend - far eclipsing the previous weekend’s total of just over 2,800 migrant apprehensions in the Del Rio Sector. The Rio Grande Valley sector also saw a surge of approximately 4,000 illegal crossings into South Texas.

Breitbart News reports,

Border Patrol officials called in all available agents in Eagle Pass on Sunday as increasing numbers of migrants crossed the border illegally from Mexico into Texas, Breitbart Texas reported. Sunday evening, a large group of more than 250 migrants crossed near Normandy, Texas, while others streamed across into Eagle Pass.

Another group of approximately 300 migrants crossed the border near Eagle Pass. And at a nearby hydro plant, agents found another large group of 100 migrants. That brought the total to more than 700 migrant apprehensions in a couple of hours on Sunday evening.

Between April 1 and May 15 approximately 513,000 migrants illegally crossed the southwest border with Mexico. The number reflects apprehensions cited in the April Southwest Border Migration Report and unofficial numbers obtained from a law enforcement source within CBP.

You can read the complete article here.