DHS Plans to Issue I.D. Cards to Illegal Aliens Released into U.S.


According to government sources, the Biden Administration is planning to issue temporary identification cards to illegal aliens who have been released into the U.S. and are awaiting final decisions on their immigration cases, reports Axios.

Opponents argue that the plan is nothing more than an attempt to make it easier for illegal aliens released into the U.S. to access housing, healthcare, transportation, and other taxpayer-funded benefits.

Congress set aside $10 million in the fiscal year 2023 appropriations bill for the pilot program designed to relieve those burdens and reward illegal aliens by issuing them I.D. cards.

For context, "from February 2021 to May 2022, alone, Biden has released over a million border crossers and illegal aliens into the U.S. interior. This is about twice the population of Wyoming and larger than the population of Austin, Texas," reports Breitbart News.

While the details of the program and which aliens would qualify are not yet known, Axios reports:

Generally, I.D. cards would be provided to migrants not in detention centers who illegally cross the U.S.-Mexico border or others without legal status going through the lengthy immigration or removal court processes.

The card would likely include a Q.R. code that would provide the enrollee access to court information and documents via an app, the sources said. This could potentially lessen the mounting number of FOIA requests for information about immigration cases.

It would also allow unauthorized immigrants such as asylum seekers to prove — if stopped by authorities — they are already in the immigration system.

Proponents of the program argue that it would incentivize illegal aliens to provide accurate personal information and check in much more frequently with law enforcement entities - a condition of their release into the U.S.

This announcement comes on the heels of a blistering I.G. report released earlier this week which stated that approximately 30% of migrants released into the United States between March and September 2021 "did not comply with release terms," which included checking in with a local ICE office within 60 days of their release.

"Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ) said he is drafting legislation that will stop the Biden administration from issuing identification cards to those entering the United States illegally," reports the Washington Examiner. The Congressman added:

They're illegal, undocumented. The only thing they should be able to access is a trip back across the border. So I'm doing legislation that is saying not one American tax dollar, or for that matter, any American dollar, can be spent for these cards.

You can read the full article here.