Sen. Durbin Admits New Reconciliation Package will NOT Include Amnesty


While Senators are currently negotiating a new reconciliation deal, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill) has finally admitted that any final reconciliation package will not include amnesty for illegal aliens.

"Asked if immigration is at all part of reconciliation talks, [Sen. Durbin] responds with a clear and unequivocal 'no,'" NBC's Sahil Kapur posted on Twitter on Tuesday, reports Breitbart News.

This admission is despite Democrats' repeated efforts to slip a massive amnesty for illegal aliens through the filibuster-proof reconciliation process. Even last month, Sen. Durbin said he and Republican Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) were in talks about including an amnesty in the final package.

In addition to the concession on an amnesty in the budget reconciliation package, it appears that another amnesty included in the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, which would grant legal status to upwards of 2.1 million illegal aliens claiming to have worked on U.S. farms, may fail as well, reports Breitbart News.

According to the bill's supporters, time is running out to pass the President's agenda before the August recess and subsequent midterm elections.

Breitbart concludes:

At the same time, House Democrats have introduced a daily "rolling" amnesty plan that would give green cards to millions of illegal aliens every single year by changing a little-known registry date in federal immigration law.

That plan is likely to fail as well.

You can read the full article here.