
A Pulse Opinion Research Poll sponsored by NumbersUSA of 1,000 likely voters found that 59% support giving work permits to certain illegal aliens only after Congress certifies full implementation of all border, interior and workplace enforcement.

Full Poll

Key Findings:

If the U.S. government were to offer some kind of legalization to any group of illegal immigrants, should they be given work permits in the first year or only after Congress certifies that all promises on border, interior and workplace enforcement are fully implemented?

25% Work permits during the first year before new enforcement
59% Work permits only after Congress certifies full implementation of all border, interior and workplace enforcement
16% Not sure

Which do you agree with more -- we face labor shortages in construction and service occupations that require increases in less-educated immigrants, OR there are plenty of less-educated Americans to do the jobs?

10% We face labor shortages that require increases in less-educated immigrants
73% There are plenty of less-educated Americans to do the jobs
17% Not sure

Some employers say it is difficult to hire workers from among groups with the highest unemployment and poverty rates, which includes Black and Hispanic Americans, younger Americans of all ethnicities, and Americans with disabilities. If businesses are having trouble finding workers, should they be required to try harder to recruit and train among these groups with the highest unemployment, or should businesses be allowed to bring in new immigrant workers instead?

74% Businesses should be required to recruit from American groups with high unemployment 13% Businesses should be allowed to bring in new immigrant workers instead
12% Not sure

NumbersUSA polls