Visa Lottery

Eliminate Visa Lottery

The Diversity Visa Program, often referred to as the “Visa Lottery” was established in 1990. Under this program, 55,000 visas are allocated annually via a random process to natives of countries that have relatively low rates of immigration to the United States. In 1997, 5,000 of these visas were reserved for individuals who qualified for legal permanent resident status under the Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act. Those 5,000 visas are not granted under a lottery process.

Visa Lottery Prone To Social Security Fraud

Visa Lottery and Social Security Fraud


Inspector General Patrick P. O’Carroll Jr. released a report last month showing that the Visa lottery recipients are prone to Social Security fraud. The report showed that many of the lottery recipients were either carless with the numbers or intentionally gave them away to others, because hundreds of them had been repeatedly used with different employers.

Rep. Posey introduces Visa Lottery Elimination Bill


Rep. Bill Posey (R-Fla.) has introduced H.R. 2278, the SAFE for America Act, that would eliminate the annual Visa Lottery. The Visa Lottery issues 55,000 greencards per year to foreign citizens of countries that have lower rates of immigration to the United States. The greencards are awarded, however, through a random lottery drawing and without consideration of the recipients educational attainment or work skills.