Illegal Immigration

Illegal Alien Population in the U.S. (2015)

A definitive count of the number of illegal aliens living in the United States is difficult to obtain. For obvious reasons, those who are in the country illegally are reluctant to come forward to be identified and counted. However, demographers have come up with ways to estimate the size of the illegal alien population. The Department of Homeland Security estimated that 11.4 million illegal aliens were living in the United States in 2012 (DHS, March 2013). Pew Research Center estimated that the illegal alien population in 2014 was 11.3 million (Pew, July 2015).

Jobless Americans

22 Million

The number of Americans looking for full-time work. The unemployment number doesn't tell the full story. Millions of Americans are looking for full-time work, but have settled for part-time work while they search for that full-time job. These Americans are not included in the "official" unemployment number, but are included in the full, monthly jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. (Source: