
MPI: More than 10 Million Foreign Nationals Receive Taxpayer-funded Welfare Benefits


A recent report by the Migration Policy Institute, entitled Chilling Effects: The Expected Public Charge Rule and Its Impact on Legal Immigrant Families' Public Benefits Use, revealed that 10.3 million out of the 22 million foreign nationals in the U.S. receive benefits from at least one welfare program funded by taxpayer dollars. Additionally, 54.2% of foreign national children, age 17 and younger, are granted welfare benefits. The data also showed that 46.3% of foreign national welfare recipients are adults, age 18 to 54, and 47.8% are older than 54.

CIS: Immigrants on Welfare Tripled Since 2007


A recent report by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) reveals that the rising level of education among new immigrants in the U.S. has done very little to relieve increasing poverty levels for new arrivals. The report indicates that in 2017 the number of new immigrants living in households on food stamps grew from 4%in 2007 to 13% in 2017 -- three times more than a decade before.

Camarota: NAS Report Lacks Balance

Updated: December 21st, 2015, 4:20 pm


  by  Eric Ruark

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NAS) has published a report, The Integration of Immigrants into American Society, 50 years after the passage of the Hart-Cellar Act, which eventually resulted in an almost four-fold increase in immigration to the United States. The recent NAS report is similar to one it published in 1997 in that it trumpets the positives of immigration while ignoring the negative consequences of expansionist immigration policies. The report 18 years ago played up the fact that adding millions of immigrants “grows the economy” simply by increasing annual GDP, and it downplayed the enormous fiscal burdens and effects on American workers that result.

The new report deals with issues of assimilation, or as the NAS terms it, integration. Steven Camarota at the Center for Immigration Studies looked at the report and has written up his initial thoughts. Camarota, who is one of the nation’s foremost experts on U.S. immigration policy, was disappointed in the lack of balance in the NAS “findings.”

Reich v. Reich on Immigration and the Economy

Updated: July 5th, 2017, 4:05 pm


  by  Eric Ruark

Robert B. Reich, who served as Secretary of Labor during President Clinton’s first term, has released a video for MoveOn.org in which he claims to debunk four “lies” about immigration. Reich’s effort is the worst example of pure political hackery. He simply invents “facts” and tries to convince the viewer of their veracity by looking earnestly at the camera. Reich doesn’t provide any evidence, nor does he come up with any novel argument – it is doubtful he even believes what he is saying – and his so-called facts are easily refutable. But the video is interesting in that much of it contradicts his previously stated views on immigration and economic policy.

Frank Sharry in Huffington Post Can't Stand The Truth About Immigration & Welfare

Updated: June 8th, 2017, 3:12 pm


  by  Roy Beck

I seem to have struck some nerves among the open-borders crowd with my reminder to Tea Party activists around the country that our immigration policies drive a lot of the increases in the size of government. The open-borders folks are howling that I said immigration policies drive growth in welfare use. To say such a thing, is "immigrant bashing," according to Frank Sharry in the massively read HuffingtonPost.com.

Sign the Petition to Reduce Welfare Rolls


Approximately 1/2 of immigrant households (both legal and illegal) with kids access welfare services, primarily food and Medicaid. Many argue that immigration is a social issue, but it's a fiscal issue as well. Sign our petition urging Pres. Obama, Speaker of the House Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Reid to stop expanding our welfare system through high immigration numbers.