2020 elections

Dems Presidential Hopefuls Provide Few Immigration Details During Third Debate

Updated: September 28th, 2019, 8:10 am


  by  Chris Chmielenski

There's little doubt that the issue of immigration will be on the minds of voters throughout next year's presidential elections. That's why I was somewhat surprised at how little time ABC dedicated to the issue during last night's third Democratic Presidential debate. But here's a recap of what each candidate said . . .

We Unveil First 2020 Rating for Top Democratic Candidates

Updated: September 25th, 2019, 4:30 pm


  by  Roy Beck

Our Prez Grid focuses on the 7 Democratic candidates whose Real Clear Politics average polling number exceeded the 2% mark on September 1. As a Republican Primary becomes more clarified, we will rate and grade its candidates on the same criteria, which are 11 categories that indicate how each candidate's positions on immigration would affect market pressures to raise wages and encourage employers to recruit from underutilized U.S. populations