Border Security and Interior Enforcement Improvement Act of 2005

Updated: July 18th, 2017, 2:22 pm

Published Date:  

2005-11-18 05:00

Public Description:  

S. 2061, the Border Security and Interior Enforcement Improvement Act, would reduce rewards for illegal aliens by increasing penalties for document fraud, false claims of citizenship, and misuse of Social Security numbers and cards. It would increase border security by requiring construction of a border fence along the U.S.-Mexico border, providing for additional Border Patrol agents, and mandating use of the entry-exit system at all ports of entry. It would also increase interior enforcement by encouraging increased involvement of state and local law enforcement in immigration law enforcement and mandating use of the entry-exit system at all ports of entry.

NumbersUSA's Position:  


Bill Number:  

S. 2061

