Border: McCain Amdt. 360 to S.Con.Res. 11 (2015)

Correct Action Text: 
Voted in favor of the McCain amendment to the Senate Budget Resolution, S. Con. Res 11. Sen. McCain's original amendment called for the expedited removal of unaccompanied minors from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. Those three countries were the source of the unprecedented border surge along the U.S.-Mexico border during the summer of 2014. But his original amendment also included a provision that would allow for the creation of in-country processing of "refugees" in those three countries. After NumbersUSA pointed out to Senators that the Central American migrants are not fleeing government persecution, and so do not qualify as refugees, but are instead seeking the benefits of the President's rewriting of our immigration law, Sen. McCain removed the in-country processing language, and NumbersUSA supported the amendment. Since the amendment was part of a Budget Resolution, it is non-binding and doesn't force a change in the current policy that allows unaccompanied minors from those three countries to be treated differently than those from Mexico or Canada. If the provision, however, remains in the budget resolution that's eventually approved by both chambers of Congress, it allows appropriators later to set spending levels for the 2016 fiscal year that call for the expedited removal of illegal aliens from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. The amendment passed 58-to-42 (including the support of three Democrats and one Independent also Sens. Joe Donnelly of Indiana, Angus King of Maine, Joe Manchin of West Virginia, and Claire McCaskill of Missouri).
Incorrect Action Text: 
Voted against the McCain amendment to the Senate Budget Resolution, S. Con. Res 11. Sen. McCain's original amendment called for the expedited removal of unaccompanied minors from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. Those three countries were the source of the unprecedented border surge along the U.S.-Mexico border during the summer of 2014. But his original amendment also included a provision that would allow for the creation of in-country processing of "refugees" in those three countries. After NumbersUSA pointed out to Senators that the Central American migrants are not fleeing government persecution, and so do not qualify as refugees, but are instead seeking the benefits of the President's rewriting of our immigration law, Sen. McCain removed the in-country processing language, and NumbersUSA supported the amendment. Since the amendment was part of a Budget Resolution, it is non-binding and doesn't force a change in the current policy that allows unaccompanied minors from those three countries to be treated differently than those from Mexico or Canada. If the provision, however, remains in the budget resolution that's eventually approved by both chambers of Congress, it allows appropriators later to set spending levels for the 2016 fiscal year that call for the expedited removal of illegal aliens from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. The amendment passed 58-to-42 (including the support of three Democrats and one Independent also Sens. Joe Donnelly of Indiana, Angus King of Maine, Joe Manchin of West Virginia, and Claire McCaskill of Missouri).
Correct Points Earned: 
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Incorrect Points Earned: 
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NumbersUSA's Position: