58% of Voters oppose President Obama's executive action permitting millions of illegal immigrants to remain in the United States


Paragon Insights, January 22-25, 2015

President Obama has taken executive action allowing as many as four million undocumented
immigrants to avoid deportation and seek jobs in the United States.
Do you support or oppose Obama's executive action?

Total Support 36%

Total Oppose 58%

Strongly Support 18%

Somewhat Support 19%

Somewhat Oppose 17%

Strongly Oppose 41%

Don’t Know / No Opinion 6%

The Republicans in Congress say that the President's action is unlawful and violates federal law
which blocks illegal immigrants from holding jobs in the United States. They have said they may
take away federal funding so this order cannot be carried out.
Do you support or oppose Republicans in Congress taking away federal funding for this
executive order?

Total Support 53%

Total Oppose 36%

Strongly Support 33%

Somewhat Support 20%

Somewhat Oppose 13%

Strongly Oppose 23%

Don’t Know / No Opinion 11%

Would you support or oppose Congress passing new legislation that strengthens the rules
making it illegal for businesses in the U.S. to hire illegal immigrants?

Total Support 71%

Total Oppose 21%

Strongly Support 45%

Somewhat Support 25%

Somewhat Oppose 12%

Strongly Oppose 9%

Don’t Know/No Opinion 8%

Full poll

Obama's executive amnesties